


Final exam schedule

31 May  French 3 June English 4 June math 5 June science 6 June social studies Exams start at 9 and ends by 11


       GRAMMAR CONTENT ..Types of verbs (action,auxiliary,or action) ..Verb tenses (present,future,present prograssiv,past simple,present perfect,past perfect) ..Types of present perfect  (after after,before before) ..Agreement in number. ..principle parts of the verbs.

English exam

33 vocabulary words All grammar VERBS 3 stories of Arthur and Lancelot Figurative language Unseen reading comprehension

Ramadan off days

Dearest students, If Ramadan is on Thursday then it will be off inaddition to Sunday and so we will start school Monday the 21. School start at 10 running periods no break as you asked. 10-12 running classes.

Social studies exam content

Chapter 4 The Monarchy in Europe Section 1-4 Chapter 5 Age of Enlightenment and Scientific revolution Section1-3 Make sure you have all sheets plus all the  assignments plus the final sheet.